2023 NTC Draft Show

Beal to PHX, Draft Philosophy

NTC contributors Oliver Arruda and Aaron Pearlstein start by breaking down the first blockbuster trade of the 2023 offseason, then spend majority of the show tackling some draft philosophy related questions that today’s evaluators likely wrestle with on a daily basis. Shout out to Adam Spinella from @TheBoxAndOne_ for the inspiration!

Below are the questions we hit on, please feel free to connect with us social with your thoughts.

1. Does the new 2nd round pick exception change what you find most desirable out of prospects in that range? Does it make you more inclined to swing for players with physical tools/attributes but less compelling game tape, or does this exception favor the NCAA All-Americans (higher floor/low ceiling), or it doesn’t change your 2nd round philosophy at all?

2. How do you evaluate a zone heavy prospect for today’s NBA? Are they naturally behind defensively from the pool?

3. How do you become convinced during a pre draft process that a prospect has an NBA level skill in which they haven’t shown before? Like a big showing they can stretch the floor, for example.

4. How do you value pre-draft events? (ie. combines, team workouts, pro days)

5. Until only a few days ago, him and Victor were the only prospects left playing. Is there a correlation between that fact and all the buzz he’s gotten.

6. Which do you find more valuable off the bench – a sparkplug, or a floor general?

This will be our only draft heavy show, so please hit us up on Twitter with any draft questions!

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